
Are you really training your core/powerhouse/bandhas/centre of whatever you want to call it?

As you know I teach and practice holistic lifestyle and Pilates, and I will often use the word core, even though I will say that in isolation the individual muscles will do nothing. However this is where the understanding of the full method of  pilates apparatus and the body comes from. If you take class [...]

By |2023-08-28T19:04:07+01:00August 28th, 2023|anger, Breathing, Depression, Joseph Pilates, life, love|0 Comments

What is the core???

The most common quote that I hear from clients is: “My physio or surgeon said I need to fire up my core?? So what exactly is the core and does it even exist. Firstly Joseph Pilates referred to the core as powerhouse or centre. In Yoga it is referred to as the bandhas. In cadaver [...]

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