
The Psychology of chronic pain in posture

Posture is a direct reflection of your mood. Having a upright tall posture helps us face the world with strength. We stand firm showing our  vulnerability. When we are erect, we have more access to our hormones which in turn move on better pathways. The hormones serotonin and dopamine can be expressed better in the [...]

By |2024-08-18T16:54:30+01:00August 18th, 2024|back pain, Breathing|0 Comments

The Chakra System – fact or fiction?

Whether you think chakras are airy-fairy or have significant connotations, the evidence shows how the structural/postural relationships and muscular imbalances connect with the  human being. When we are in any sort of pain,  discomfort, or experience a tragedy in life, we embark on a journey of self-exploration and self discovery. If we want to achieve [...]

Part 2 Spinal Stabilization – When did we become so stiff ?

When on earth did we become so stiff and wooden like, especially in our spine? Any one who knows me will know that i am a great believer in a good upright posture, but we need to have freedom of movement to come in and out of the posture with a relaxed but held together [...]

By |2018-05-16T13:11:19+01:00January 25th, 2016|anatomy, back pain, pilates, yoga|Comments Off on Part 2 Spinal Stabilization – When did we become so stiff ?

Have You Got the RC Factor?

"Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity"- World Health Organisation. We are all busy bees, rushing around from A to B and harnessing the monkey mind. Everyone you meet is busy, busy, busy and as a result of moving faster and [...]

By |2024-02-29T19:19:55+00:00September 22nd, 2015|anatomy, pilates, yoga|0 Comments

Why Yoga and Pilates can assist your training

With Yoga and pilates now in the top ten lists for pursuits, are we ready to handle the people who come to our classes. If we are in constant pain or are getting repetitive injuries, one of the key points we need to consider is posture. If our posture is out of sync, our organs [...]

By |2024-07-07T20:10:59+01:00June 28th, 2015|back pain, pilates, yoga|0 Comments
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