Monthly Archives: November 2022

Anger and unmet expectations

Are you attracting what you want in your life? Such as a healthy body, good relationships, a fulfilling and purposeful life that enriches yourself and others? The emotion anger is an important feedback loop that you can learn to train and harness so that you have mastery over your life. Human beings live by the [...]

By |2022-11-20T12:14:19+00:00November 20th, 2022|anger, back pain, Emotional Experience, gossip, life, love|0 Comments

Reduce back pain in these three simple steps….

All pain is multi-factoral so its impossible for me to guess without accessing. However I have put together three simple steps that may help you on your journey. Traction and decompress the spine - Join face to face here on our 4 week flexible spine challenge, places left this Thursday at 5.30pm here: Reduce inflammation in [...]

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