Gut brain

Sibo’s top ten christmas survival tips

What on earth is Sibo I thought? On a recent GIT  (Gastrointestinal tract) this word came up. It sounded like a U.F.O was invading my intestines. Sibo stands for small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. Most of us have it but ignore the symptoms until they become a disease or illness. As you know I have a [...]

IBS & the depression link – Part 2

You've heard me say: "Stinking poops, stinking thoughts!". What do I mean by this? Did you know that the brain and gut develop from the same part of the human embryo and therefore share many nerve endings and chemical transmitters? This explains why GIT (Gastro, intestinal tract) symptoms result from emotional stimulants. Nearly every chemical that [...]

Breathing – Part 2

Breathing - Part 2 The abdominals as well as the diaphragm play an important role in respiration. The abdomen can be likened to a liquid filled, flexible container, which can change its shape but not its volume (i.e. is non compressible). In contrast, the thorax can be compared to a gas filled container, which can [...]

By |2018-05-16T13:11:19+01:00April 29th, 2016|anatomy, Gyrotonic, pilates, yoga|0 Comments
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