Gut health

Take seven breaths before making a decision

It is important to make decisions from a place of balance in your life, by taking a breath and checking in with heart and mind. Each of the myriad decisions we make every day has the potential to have a deep impact on our lives. Some choices touch us to our very cores, awakening [...]

By |2018-05-16T13:11:04+01:00February 26th, 2018|anatomy|0 Comments

Sibo’s top ten christmas survival tips

What on earth is Sibo I thought? On a recent GIT  (Gastrointestinal tract) this word came up. It sounded like a U.F.O was invading my intestines. Sibo stands for small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. Most of us have it but ignore the symptoms until they become a disease or illness. As you know I have a [...]

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