Events for January 24 - 3rd March 2024

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Embodied anatomy & fascia in motion with Nisha Srivastava

Event City M17 8AS, Manchester, United Kingdom

Creativity and awakening go hand in hand with our yoga practice. Nisha will deliver an anatomical experience with a difference using the latest research in fascia. The content is delivered through a rhythmic flow of exploration, kinaesthetic, and creative learning. The workshop has been researched using cadaveric material rather than just producing pretty pictures showing [...]


Postural Analysis in Breathing

Cadman House 5 Wharfe rd, Manchester, Lancashire, United Kingdom

The word posture is derived from the Latin verb ponere, meaning “to put or place.” The word analysis comes from the Greek word analyein, meaning “to break up.” Therefore, postural analysis is simply the process of “breaking up” the body to determine where it should be “put or placed.” When a vehicle’s alignment is off, [...]


Feet and Gait Analysis in Movement

Cadman House 5 Wharfe rd, Manchester, Lancashire, United Kingdom

We spend most of lives on two feet, we are biped creatures. This one-day course will explore the biomechanics of the feet, ankles, knees and hips with regard to alignment and gait. Looking at how the shape of our feet interacts with ground force reaction and gravity.  Our elastic structures create and store energy to [...]

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