S.Helens Community Pilates matwork

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This community class is a blend based on the latest research in fascial trains incorporating James de Silva’s Garuda work which takes the class to the next level.

Garuda combines the strength work of pilates, the breathwork and asana practices of yoga and the grace of dance.The benefits of Garuda include increased strength, flexibility, coordination and endurance with a greater sense of ease and wellbeing. Garuda draws deeply on mental focus and teaching relaxation through movement. Like yoga Garuda also massages the internal organs and aids in detoxification.Garuda is a non stop flowing class that is challenging and mindful. You will leave feeling invigorated. It is suitable for anyone with some experience of yoga and or pilates and includes meditation and mindset.

Please bring a yoga mat, pillow and blanket.

To book please click here

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