Events for March 23 - 3rd November 2024

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Infant Development including neck, upper back, and shoulders

Cadman House 5 Wharfe rd, Manchester, Lancashire, United Kingdom

Can’t squat or lack agility? Ever wondered why you struggle to learn some basic movement patterns or simply are not as skilled as you wish? Barring injury, the problem is often not where you think it is. It may not even be as simple as being taught how to squat or doing more of that [...]


The Art of Flexibility

Cadman House 5 Wharfe rd, Manchester, Lancashire, United Kingdom

Flexibility training is perhaps the most undervalued component of conditioning and general well being. While recent and ongoing debate questions its role in injury prevention, we can still gain much from a stretching regime. Why is it some of us have it and some of us don’t ? How do we increase it for those [...]


Spinal Revolution

Cadman House 5 Wharfe rd, Manchester, Lancashire, United Kingdom

With 76% of back surgeries failing more and more people are turning to movement therapies to help alleviate pain. Low back pain is very common. Fortunately, most people find that it only lasts a few days or weeks. The exact cause of low back pain is often difficult to find. Tension, soreness and/or stiffness are [...]


The Truth About the Core

Cadman House 5 Wharfe rd, Manchester, Lancashire, United Kingdom

Flattening your abs and teaching core exercises in a class requires much more than simply exercising. If you suffer from IBS, Crohn’s or have fungus and parasites, this will inhibit the bodies ability to fire the core which will then be overtaken by more excited muscle groups and areas of the body. If you also [...]


Yoga and Pilates in Amateur and Professional Sport

Cadman House 5 Wharfe rd, Manchester, Lancashire, United Kingdom

Everyone processes and learns new information in different ways. There are three main cognitive learning styles: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. The common characteristics of each learning style listed below can help you understand how you learn and what methods of learning best fits you. Understanding how you learn can help maximize time you spend studying [...]


Yoga and Pilates in Amateur and Professional Sport

Cadman House 5 Wharfe rd, Manchester, Lancashire, United Kingdom

Everyone processes and learns new information in different ways. There are three main cognitive learning styles: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. The common characteristics of each learning style listed below can help you understand how you learn and what methods of learning best fits you. Understanding how you learn can help maximize time you spend studying [...]


Hips, Hamstrings and Lower Limb

Cadman House 5 Wharfe rd, Manchester, Lancashire, United Kingdom

Your hip flexors and hamstring muscles are one of the most important groups of muscles necessary for long term mobility, stability and safety of your lower body. Healthy, conditioned and well maintained hip flexors and hamstrings are necessary for preventing hip, knee and lumbar issues. Acute or chronic pain in these areas can signify a [...]


CPD : Embodied & experimental movement anatomy

Cadman House 5 Wharfe rd, Manchester, Lancashire, United Kingdom

Easter weekend 4-day course – 3rd May to 6th May 2019 included Venue: Pilates Manchester, 5 Wharf Road, Sale, M33 2AF Time:: 10- 5pm Fri, Sat, Sun & Mon (24 hours lessons plus one hour lunch each day) CPD : 24 hours Pre-requisite Reading: “Fascia, Anatomy & Movement” – Jo Avison, “Bowen Unravelled” – Julian Baker [...]


Feet & gait analysis in movement

We spend most of lives on two feet, we are biped creatures. This one-day course will explore the biomechanics of the feet, ankles, knees and hips with regard to alignment and gait. Looking at how the shape of our feet interacts with ground force reaction and gravity.  Our elastic structures create and store energy to [...]

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